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DEPRECATED: use searchBeid and geneIDsToAllScopes instead. This function is meant to be used with getRelevantIds in order to implement a dictonary of identifiers of interest. First the searchId function is used to search a term. Then the getRelevantIds function is used to find the corresponding ID in a context of interest.


  be = NULL,
  organism = NULL,
  ncharSymb = 4,
  ncharName = 8,
  verbose = FALSE



the searched term. Identifiers are searched by exact match. Symbols and names are also searched for partial match when searched is greater than ncharSymb and ncharName respectively.


optional. If provided the search is focused on provided BEs.


optional. If provided the search is focused on provided organisms.


The minimum number of characters in searched to consider incomplete symbol matches.


The minimum number of characters in searched to consider incomplete name matches.


boolean indicating if the CQL queries should be displayed


A data frame with the following fields:

  • found: the element found in BED corresponding to the searched term

  • be: the type of the element

  • source: the source of the element

  • organism: the related organism

  • entity: the related entity internal ID

  • ebe: the BE of the related entity

  • canonical: if the symbol is canonical

  • gene: list of the related genes BE internal ID

Exact matches are returned first folowed by the shortest elements.

See also