Get relevant IDs for a formerly identified BE in a context of interest
DEPRECATED: use searchBeid and geneIDsToAllScopes instead. This function is meant to be used with searchId in order to implement a dictonary of identifiers of interest. First the searchId function is used to search a term. Then the getRelevantIds function is used to find the corresponding IDs in a context of interest.
- d
the data.frame returned by searchId.
- selected
the rows of interest in d
- be
the BE in the context of interest
- source
the source of the identifier in the context of interest
- organism
the organism in the context of interest
- restricted
boolean indicating if the results should be restricted to current version of to BEID db. If FALSE former BEID are also returned: Depending on history it can take a very long time to return a very large result!
- simplify
if TRUE (default) duplicated IDs are removed from the output
- verbose
if TRUE, the CQL query is shown
The d data.frame with a new column providing the relevant ID
in the context of interest and without the gene field.
Scope ("be", "source" and "organism") is provided as a named list
in the "scope" attributes: attr(x, "scope")