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Patrice Godard
November 2, 2022
After having bought the domain name a few years ago, I’ve finally decided to setup the GENODESY website and related resources. Here, I share my experience regarding this process: the tools and services I relied on and the design and technical choices I made.
My intend was to setup, not only a website and a blog, but also some services such as Shiny applications, Neo4j and ClickHouse databases. That’s why I chose to rent a dedicated server that I configured and that I’m administrating myself. I spent time in tuning the configuration of the different services in order to make them as accessible as possible to the users:
There are many companies providing capabilities for hosting web pages and web services. Here, I chose OVHCloud, a french cloud computing company. I went for the first option in the kimsufi range of dedicated servers:
I also bought the genodesy domain names (.org, .com, .net, .info and .biz) to OVHCloud and it was easy to map to the server IP address in the DNS (Domain Name System) using their configuration tool.
I chose the NGINX web server to make the website available. NGINX can also be used as a reverse proxy, and I took advantage of this feature to provide other services.
I followed the following tutorials to get familiar with NGINX configuration:
I configured the server block to setup the following behaviors:
Here is the server block configuration file I’ve finally written:
# Queries to the http (80) port are redirected to the https (443) port
server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server;
location / {
return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;
root /var/www/;
index index.html;
# The following folder is used to verify the domain of issued SSL
# certificate and therefore is still accessible through the http (80) port.
location /.well-known/pki-validation/ {
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
# Services are provided through the https (443) port
server {
listen 443 ssl http2 default_server;
listen [::]:443 ssl http2 default_server;
# The files included below are used for SSL configuration
include snippets/ssl-for-free.conf;
include snippets/ssl-params.conf;
root /var/www/;
index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html;
error_page 404 /404.html;
# The main web server
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
# Reverse proxy to the BED Neo4j database hosted on port 5454
location /BED {
rewrite ^/BED/?(.*)$ /$1 break;
proxy_redirect / $scheme://$http_host/BED;
# Reverse proxy to Shiny hosted on port 3838
rewrite ^/shiny$ $scheme://$http_host/shiny/ permanent;
location /shiny/ {
rewrite ^/shiny/(.*)$ /$1 break;
proxy_redirect / $scheme://$http_host/shiny/;
I created a free valid SSL certificate on SSL For Free.
The Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) was used to allow connections only to specific ports supporting protocols of interest: ssh (22), http (80) and https (443).
As an R user and a big fan of tools developed by the Posit PBC team, I’m relying on Quarto to create and manage the content of this website.
There are many documentation resources regarding the Quarto publishing system, starting by the extensive official guide. Quarto has a lot of features and I don’t intend (to even try) to list all of them here. Instead, here are a few points on which I put particular attention or that I found particularly handy:
The creation of an RSS feeds focused on different categories is straightforward as explained in Quarto documentation
Post comments can be easily allowed and managed with utterances as explained in this Albert Rapp blog post (the visitor need a github account to be allowed to comment)
Styling is very easy with themes, but customization can take a lot of time. This Albert Rapp video and related links can help to start.
Currently, the GENODESY website is organized in the following four main parts. As this site is pretty new, it will hopefully grow and evolve.
Home: this part is empty for the moment. My intend is to point to the different contents and resources offered on this site.
Services: applications, databases or APIs made available on this site.
Author: who I am and what I’ve done.
Blog: standalone topics addressing more or less technical issues or experiences. I moved this blog on my personal website which, I think, is more relevant.
One of the advantages of using a reverse proxy such as NGINX is that we can focus on services installation without having to worry too much about how to secure their access. I’ve shown above how I configured NGINX to provide an access to a Neo4j API and to Shiny applications through SSL encryption. The paragraphs below explain how the services themselves were installed and can be used.
BED (Biological Entity Dictionary) is an R package to get and explore mapping between identifiers of biological entities (BE). It relies on a Neo4j database in which the relationships between the identifiers from different sources are recorded. I made an instance of the BED Neo4j database available on this server to allow people to easily test the package and its capabilities.
The BED Neo4j database was installed as docker container, using the
The access to the 5454 port is denied by the firewall, but NGINX provides a secure access to this resource via this path:
. Therefore, external users can connect to the BED database in R as follows:
Shiny is an R package to build interactive web apps straight from R. These apps can be easily deployed on services such as It is also possible to host them within a Shiny Server instance.
The Shiny Server was simply installed following the instructions provided in the official administrator’s guide.
Again, the access to the 5454 port is denied by the firewall, but NGINX provides a secure access to this resource via this path:
. Here is an example of a Shiny app hosted on :
I chose to release the content of this website under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.