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This function prints details regarding a collection: title, description and arguments information. These arguments are those that can be used to document collection members within an MDB using the add_collection_member() function.


show_collection_def(collection, silent = FALSE)



a json string with the collection definition as returned by get_local_collection()


a logical indicating if the definition should be written (TRUE by default) or not.


A list with:

  • collection title

  • collection description

  • a list of arguments for defining collection members as a list of elements with:

    • the type of the argument element

    • allowed values if any


get_local_collection("BE") %>% show_collection_def()
#> BE collection: Collection of biological entity (BE) concepts
#> Arguments (non-mandatory arguments are between parentheses):
#>    - be:
#>       + static: logical
#>       + value: character
#>    - source:
#>       + static: logical
#>       + value: character
#>    - (organism):
#>       + static: logical
#>       + value: character
#>       + type: character in 'Scientific name', 'NCBI taxon identifier'
#>    - identifier:
#>       + static: logical
#>       + value: character