A metaMDB object is an MDB gathering several other MDBs glued by relational tables.
metaMDB(MDBs, relationalTables, dataModel, dbInfo, check = TRUE)
# S3 method for class 'metaMDB'
names(x) <- value
# S3 method for class 'metaMDB'
rename(.data, ...)
# S3 method for class 'metaMDB'
# S3 method for class 'metaMDB'
# S3 method for class 'metaMDB'
- MDBs
a list of MDB objects
- relationalTables
a list of tibbles corresponding to the relational tables between the different MDBs
- dataModel
a ReDaMoR::RelDataModel object gathering all the data model of all the MDBs plus the relational tables
- dbInfo
a list with DB information: "name" (only mandatory field), "title", "description", "url", "version", "maintainer".
- check
logical: if TRUE (default) the data are confronted to the data model
- x
a metaMDB object
- value
new table names
- .data
a metaMDB object
- ...
Use new_name = old_name to rename selected tables
- i
the index or the name of the tables to take
See also
MDB methods: db_info, data_model, data_tables, collection_members, count_records, dims, filter_with_tables, as_fileMDB
Additional general documentation is related to MDB.
get_confrontation_report, ReDaMoR::format_confrontation_report and ReDaMoR::format_confrontation_report_md for getting and formatting the report confronting the data to the model.