Relational data modeler GUI
modelInput = RelDataModel(list()),
fromR = interactive(),
defaultColor = "#D9D9D9",
availableColors = c("#9BC8FE", "#F67FC4", "#C6BDF1", "#DFFB86", "#F8DEC3", "#8FE6E0",
"#FEFE8F", "#FAC6DC", "#A9ECC9"),
example = system.file("examples/HPO-model.json", package = utils::packageName()),
forceIntro = FALSE
- modelInput
the RelDataModel to start from
- fromR
a logical indicating if the application is launched from R
- defaultColor
a single color indicating the default table color
- availableColors
a character of possible colors for tables
- example
a file path to an sql or json model
- forceIntro
if TRUE the help tour start when the application is launched (default: FALSE)
The RelDataModel designed with the GUI.