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Convert a list of 5 normalized tibbles in a RelDataModel object





a list with the following tibbles:

  • tables: The tables in the model with the following information

    • name: the name of the table

    • x: the x coordinate of the table in the model drawing (NA ==> position undefined)

    • y: the y coordinate of the table in the model drawing (NA ==> position undefined)

    • color: the color of the table in the model drawing (NA ==> undefined)

    • comment: comment about the table

  • fields: The fields in the model with the following information

    • name: the name of the field

    • type: the type of the field

    • nullable: a logical indicating if the field can be null

    • comment: comment about the field

    • table: the name of the table to which the field belongs

  • primaryKeys: The primary keys in the model with the following information

    • table: the name of the relevant table

    • field: the name of the field participating to the primary key

  • foreignKeys: The foreign keys in the model with the following information

    • table: the name of the referring table

    • fki: the identifier of the foreign key (by referring table)

    • field: the name of the referring field

    • refTable: the name of the referred table

    • refField: the name of the referred field

  • indexes: The indexes in the model with the following information

    • table: the name of the relevant table

    • idx: the identifier of the index (by table)

    • field: the name of the field participating to the index

    • unique: a logical indicating if the field is unique


A RelDataModel object